Aug 18, 2008

Wedding Babblings

I did start writing an entry yesterday, but I got tired and fell asleep, then lost the page. looool.

Anyways, it seems kinda crazy that the wedding is on Caturday. It felt like "Gah, the wedding is so far away!" and suddenly it's like "O SHT TEH WEDDIN' IS IN A F#*$ING WEEK!!!1". Yep. That's it basically.
Mother and I (Kay, I'm kidding, I don't call her mother, I was just trying to amuse myself and sound old-school-y at the same time) have been doing some tidying up the last few days, and today and tomorrow we will be too, and probably a lot of last minute things like finding the pom-pom things for the car since they're still lost in this crazy house. Also wrapping presents, and moving stuff into the shed so there's a bit more room in the house (yet it still looks insanely crowded in here to me). And I'm pretty excited for Wednesday, Wednesday feels like the beginning of week, I guess? Because to me, that's when all the stuff that's been planned/worked on for so long is actually starting to come together, also both the Sara/h's and Daphne will be here, so it will be like, constant wedding stuff I think. I just hope everything goes good. And I hope everyone COMMUNICATES (unlike in some BG's on WoW...) and gets everything done on time! Yay.


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