Dec 10, 2009

Origami... hard!

The other day I found a little Origami kit in Coles for $12 and since I've always wanted to try origami, I bought it. It came with some paper, and a book with diagrams and instructions on how to make a bunch of animals and flowers. It has the figures grouped together with others that start out with the same steps, and starts out with some easy figures. But to be honest, it's a bit hard to figure out how certain things are supposed to fold to become a certain shape.

So far I've only made a Pigeon and Raven, and those are the easiest in the book. I think my real problem is understanding how to fold things certain ways, as the diagrams and instructions are a little bit confusing. I'll have to upload a picture later, as my album isn't letting me upload right now. Ah well!


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