Apr 11, 2007

Why work for a living?

I feel really upset and pissed off. But at the same time I'm a bit happy.

I got a birthday card from Grandma today, which was cool, I'll have to remember to call her or even write her a letter. :D Also, my new debit card came in the mail and I've got that all set up, which is also GOOD. And the cellphones dad ordered came in today, and I've claimed one as my own. :D

But then there's work. I really, really want to do good at work, but I feel like I'm already fucking it up too much. I feel completely lost all the time, and I keep messing up simple things like a normal transaction with a edge card, or gift card. I don't really feel very comfortable there either, nobody besides Jason has actually talked to me, even when I try to start up a conversation (unless I mess something up), and I can't even remember the prices of things or to check the wall behind the counter for the new games when someone brings one up to the counter. I always forget to circle the bottom of the receipt and I feel like I'm always doing things wrong and that nobody wants me to be there.
I'm hardly going to get paid anything at all, and people already want the money. I won't be able to get my ID back or pay back Daphne for WoW and Burning Crusade, and work clothes she bought me, since dad is apparently expecting money when I get paid.


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