Jun 16, 2008

"I have the best girl in the world!"

I'm really conflicted. I feel a bit sad, depressed, lonely...I'm too used to talking to Nate everyday. And when he's busy, or isn't home for me to talk to, the day feels horrible and I feel lost and messed up. It makes me second guess things, and I'm always thinking, "Maybe he doesn't really care that much. He's too busy to even talk to me." but I know somedays I'm busy too and don't get to talk to him. I feel like, a lot of my time is spent sitting here waiting for him to get back from work, the store, playing a game...whatever. I just want to say "We should take a break." but then he says something like "I thought about you all night at work." and it makes me feel like an ass and I can't say it. Or his xfire status will say "I have the best girl in the world!" and...I just can't say it.


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