Jul 26, 2008

I'm Broke...

This is probably going to be really ranty...and...complainy. All sorts of things I guess, since this last week has been....very eventful.

So, yeah. Altogether, this week was a lot of fun, and I'm glad I was around for everything. Buuut...I'm fucking BROKE. I've spent probably around $800 in the last two weeks. And yes, I'm fucking serious. I think it was even more than $800, but I'm really scared to add it all up. I mean...I really wanted Daphne to enjoy everything, but...there needs to be a goddamned limit. -_-;; Like, eating out for every meal...yeah, that gets a bit fucking expensive. Especially paying for other people...I mean, I'm all for eating out, but I can't really afford it every damned meal. But if everyone else wants to, I feel like an ass for saying no...and I'm not going to starve like an ass, so blah. And...plans getting out of hand. I mean, sure I wanted Daphne to really like things and have a good time...but I'm not a fucking millionaire. I don't even make $600 a month...how am I supposed to afford all of this? OMGOMGOMGOMGOMGOMG. Seriously.

Anyways...I'm really...stressed...and...maybe a bit depressed, so I'm not gonna babble about this week yet. It's not coming out right, so blah.


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