Mar 5, 2007


I love my Natey. <3 <3

I've been feeling pretty sick lately, and almost every day I have to have a nap it seems like. I think it was on Thursday and Friday, I honestly slept almost all day and all night, and napped off and on the entire next day. I know it's not because I'm doing too much, because I really don't. I do the kitchen and tidy up here and there and do laundry, and my own little stuff, but that's not even enough to make me feel tired. Normally. But lately I just feel

Been spending a bit more time on WoW the past few days too, the people in the SR chat are starting to drive me a bit insane with their crazy quirks. And of course, there's always something weird going on in WoW. I signed a guild charter with my rogue, and I said I'd stay in the guild until they got more people. So, that's all good, I'm nice like that and the people in the guild so far seem really cool. But then, this one girl starts flirting with me? So I said, "You DO know I'm a girl, right?" and said goes, "Of course, and you know I'm a girl too right, right? ^_^" and then she kept doing that weird flirty thing. -_-;;; It's kinda funny, but kinda strange at the same time. I asked her to stop, and she mostly quit, but every now and then she'll send me a whisper with some random flirty thing in it. Doh. I don't get people.
And of course, when I told Nate about this, he goes, "Lesbian?" Haha. -_-; At least he didn't say, "Threesome plz?!"

I'm cheery. Nate said "I love you" first, which is kinda rare sometimes. Murr, it just makes me so happy. I have to remember this.

Natesy: I love you.
Allie F: I love you too. -nuzzles-
Natesy: I think I fixed it.
Allie F: That's good..I wouldn't have known what else to say..
Natesy: Just speak from your mind.
Natesy: You're smart.
Natesy: Smarter then you try to downplay.
Natesy: But you're just humble about it.
Allie F: -hugs close-

Murr. <3<3


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