Dec 24, 2007

Christmas Excitement

I'm really, really excited about today (and tomorrow!). I think this is the first year that I've genuinely felt excited about Christmas, and spending time with my family. For a long time I was just excited about what new presents I'd be getting, or getting time off from school...but this year I'm just excited to spend time with everyone. When I think of Christmas, I keep thinking of everyone sitting around in Daphne's apartment and watching a movie and laughing, or some of us playing a board game...I don't know, I just feel really happy that we're not having a bunch of seperate Christmas' or something.
I really hope we end up watching a movie, or playing board games or something...I really want this Christmas to be fun and memorable for some reason.

Dec 14, 2007

Depressed Ranting

I'm really upset right now. Not only is my computer about to crash, but I can't even back up any of my files. I can't burn a disc, I can't upload any pictures anywhere for safekeeping...NOTHING. Not to mention that explorer.exe keeps messing up and I can't get it running again (which means I have to restart constantly). So I'm going to lose all the pictures I have of Nate, I'm going to lose all the recordings of him playing his guitar, which I love so much. I'm going to lose all my music, movies and pictures, which I have a lot of and a lot of them are REALLY important to me (old family pictures, pictures of Amigo, an old video of Jonathon, etc). I'm just so angry. And to make things seem even worse, I feel sick, and pathetic. I can't get a job, and when I do get a job I'm so stupid that I can't even keep it. FUCK. I just want to cry and quit sometimes.
Mom and Gary were thinking of kicking me out last month because I wasn't working very often...then I get FIRED because I'm so pathetic. I couldn't even do the easiest job ever, that's how lame I am. I feel sick and depressed constantly lately, but I don't have any money for any pills (whether it's for my sinuses or anti-depressants), and I know mom & Gary don't have a lot of money right now either, and I don't want to bum off of them anymore. I haven't given them any money for like two months, and Gary probably thinks I'm some lazy, incompetent ass and wants to kick me out. I don't have any fucking friends..I couldn't even do some stupid test to get back into school so I could get a better job someday. I can't even remember how to multiply, that's like grade 5/6 shit and I can't even do it after trying for weeks before that stupid test.
I'm never going to get to meet Nate, and if I ever did I'd probably mess things up because I'm too fucking stupid. He's going to realize how ugly and stupid I am, and he'll never want to have anything to do with me. He probably already feels like I'm avoiding him, because we don't talk very much, and I always end up going to lay down..I guess I am avoiding him sometimes, and I'm an ass for doing that. And I always feel like an ass when I think that I want to break up with him, because it just seems like it's going to stay this way forever, and I want more, even though I'm scared of more. All I want to do lately is sleep, I don't even like talking to anyone anymore, I'm the most pathetic person I know.

Dec 11, 2007

Christmas Adoptables

Bwahahaha, so I just found some christmas adoptables, so I'm going to stick them all here!

December 23, 2007

Click here to feed me a Rare Candy!

Get your own at PokePlushies!

Click here to feed me a Rare Candy!

Get your own at PokePlushies!

Anchorman Chat Log

We watched Anchorman, which was actually a lot better than I thought it would be. I forgot how funny Will Ferrel can be sometimes. And, it has Jack Black in it! I wish he'd had more lines though, he's such a great actor. QQ

[12:54] Dramatic Polar Bear: I just remember Steve Carrell with sideburns.
[12:54] Cookies Plz: "Only the names, locations and events have been changed." thats like, the whole thing. rofl
[12:54] Dramatic Polar Bear: ROFL, yeah.
[12:55] Dramatic Polar Bear: do u think hes sexy??
[12:55] Cookies Plz: no lol
[12:55] Cookies Plz: My sister hates Will Ferrel.
[12:55] Dramatic Polar Bear: Why?
[12:55] Dramatic Polar Bear: Rofl
[12:56] Cookies Plz: I don't know.
[12:56] Dramatic Polar Bear: I love his voice.
[12:56] Dramatic Polar Bear: Especially when he yells.
[12:56] Dramatic Polar Bear: Reminds me of when I used to watch Oblongs.
[12:56] Cookies Plz: What's this rated? rofl
[12:56] Dramatic Polar Bear: He was the voice of the dad.
[12:56] Dramatic Polar Bear: I think R
[12:56] Dramatic Polar Bear: They cuss a couple times.
[12:56] Cookies Plz: "The arsenist has oddly shaped feet." ??

Alberta Rules, Grande Prairie Rules

Dan's brother, Darryl put this on my FunWall at Facebook, and it's so true and hilarious. I just love it!


1. Bring your own house.
2. If you are going to the Oil Sands, bring your own house, school, and hospital.
3. If you are going to Edmonton, wear your flak jacket. This is the murder capital of Canada.
4. If you are driving to Edmonton, note that it is also the auto theft center of Canada.
5. If you are bringing drugs, head straight to Fort McMurray, the drug capital of Canada.
6. If you are looking for work, look no further. Minimum wage is $5.60 per hour.
7. If you work downtown, note that parking costs $5.00 per hour or more.
8. If you are able to buy a house in Edmonton, or Calgary, why not spend the money on a 15 year holiday.
9. If you drive a Hummer, look out. Alberta has the highest gas prices in Canada [The Alberta Advantage].
10. In Edmonton we have 5 hospitals. 10 years ago we had 7. Don't come here sick.
11. In Calgary the population has exploded. The last road was paved 12 years ago. Calgary is a no parking zone.
12. Remember when Roy Rogers etc. were beating the Indians? Well it's payback time. They own all the Casinos here.

Dec 10, 2007

Superbad Chat Log

Me and Nate watched's a awesome movie, by the way. Anyways, here's the chat log from it. Nate = Dramatic Polar Bear, Me = Cookies Plz

Dec 9, 2007

Pretty Heart

I just love this heart, it looks so pretty! I found this while looking for neat little designs that might look good on a wedding invitation. I had to edit it a bit, but it looks so pretty now.

Isn't it just perfect? The feathery effect thing looks so awesome!

On another note, I'm still trying to fix my computer. There's one annoying .exe file that I can't get rid of (along with a few others, that aren't quite as annoying), and Windows Defender & SpyBot keep telling me it's there but I can't do anything about it. At least, I don't think I can. There's no way to delete it that I know of, and I'm very hesitant to even think about taking my PC somewhere to see if someone else can fix it. I'd rather just save everything that's important, and reformat. Except this means I'm going to lose all my movies and anime, gah! Quick, someone buy me a DVD burner!
Oh no! All my ROMs are going to be toast too! Unless, I find somewhere to upload them all to. Hmm. I don't know. I know I have some already saved to discs, but I've gotten a lot since then. Ho hum.

To write, or not to write..

I've been thinking about writing quite a bit lately, and I think I should try to do it more seriously. I always get a lot of ideas, and I'm sure I could make something good come out of some of them if I just tried hard enough. I did write a few things a few months ago, and I was going to just delete them, but I do kinda like where they were headed so I decided to keep them. And I figure, why not? I've always liked writing, and always wanted to do it seriously (or at least, try to) so I may as well.

Dec 8, 2007

New Layout & Christmas Excitement

Quick Note: This is from my old diary which was hosted on Diaryland. I went back and took a screenshot, since I'm still proud of how I got that layout to look. lol

Oh joy! New layout! It actually took me hours to make this. Well, sort of. I made like 4 different versions, and ended up liking this one best. The bunny is so cute! His ears are a bit messed up, since I'm obviously not good at editing pictures, but I tried! I also cut off part of his one ear because it looks so bad and I couldn't make it look normal. So, that's why his whole ear isn't in the layout. xD
And I had a lot of fun picking out a font for this...I had about 4 different ones in mind, but this is one of my new fonts, so I really wanted to use it for something. I dunno if it matches or anything (like a bunny with an eye patch matches with a pink scheme) but whatever! I like it. I think it's called Floydian, and if you noticed, it looks like the Pink Floyd font!

I'm so happy that I went Christmas shopping! I felt really bummed out about Christmas, and was very "Bah humbug!"-ish about it, but since I went Christmas shopping on Monday I feel all excited about it! I didn't really have enough money to get anyone anything really good, or what they really wanted, but it's the best I can do. I wanted to get Daphne and Dan something really cool, but had to change my mind, because then I'd have to get everyone else even crappier stuff. Blah, not cool. And I still have to get something for mom and Gary as it is, and I have absolutely no idea. Mom did point out this little water fountain thing at Canadian Tire that's $14, and I could have gotten them something else cheap to go along with it, but mom has the last of my $$ on her debit card and I always mess up her I'll just have to ask her to take that money out of her account so I can get their present!
I can't get anything for Nate..but he said a million times that he doesn't want anything, and won't give me I guess I won't. I really want to get him something, I feel really bad. But, knowing him, he'd send back anything I get him. Or sell it and send back the money without telling me or something. -_-;;

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