Well, I've been playing a bit on a PVP server, and wow. There is a huge difference between RP and PVP. First, the maturity and IQ level of people on PVP servers seems insanely low. No word of a lie. RP, mostly everyone types in full sentences and has decent grammar and punctuation (not everyone, but a lot more than on PVP). PVP...there are a lot of people that I have to go "...what?" because I honestly can't figure out what they're saying. Also, people on PVP servers SUCK at instances. You would think that they'd be okay at them, since you get a lot of nice twink gear from instances...but no, this doesn't seem to be the case. They don't look at each others health and go "Oh shit, someone hit the priest, I better take aggro off the priest!" nope. They're much too HARDCORE for that. They just let the priest die, then go "WTF HAPPENED?" and blame the poor little priest, who is usually go "help!!". Also, LFG is hell on PVP servers. You finally get into a group, and right as you're typing "Hi", the other person leaves without a word. This has happened to me so many times that I'm beginning to think that I've got some crazy disease or something. But apparently it happens a lot. Basically, people have no manners. Also, when you DO finally get into the instance, it's normal for people to just randomly leave without saying anything. I'm used to hearing "Okay guys, this is just lame and we obviously can't handle this. I'm out.", or some excuse "Oh shit I forgot I have to work today!", whatever. That's fine, as long as they actually tell you why they're suddenly ditching you.
And yeah, I know this doesn't apply to all RP & PVP servers...and not everyone is this bad/good. But, I'm just ranting slightly. I feel dizzy now, so sleepy time.
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