Dec 11, 2007

Anchorman Chat Log

We watched Anchorman, which was actually a lot better than I thought it would be. I forgot how funny Will Ferrel can be sometimes. And, it has Jack Black in it! I wish he'd had more lines though, he's such a great actor. QQ

[12:54] Dramatic Polar Bear: I just remember Steve Carrell with sideburns.
[12:54] Cookies Plz: "Only the names, locations and events have been changed." thats like, the whole thing. rofl
[12:54] Dramatic Polar Bear: ROFL, yeah.
[12:55] Dramatic Polar Bear: do u think hes sexy??
[12:55] Cookies Plz: no lol
[12:55] Cookies Plz: My sister hates Will Ferrel.
[12:55] Dramatic Polar Bear: Why?
[12:55] Dramatic Polar Bear: Rofl
[12:56] Cookies Plz: I don't know.
[12:56] Dramatic Polar Bear: I love his voice.
[12:56] Dramatic Polar Bear: Especially when he yells.
[12:56] Dramatic Polar Bear: Reminds me of when I used to watch Oblongs.
[12:56] Cookies Plz: What's this rated? rofl
[12:56] Dramatic Polar Bear: He was the voice of the dad.
[12:56] Dramatic Polar Bear: I think R
[12:56] Dramatic Polar Bear: They cuss a couple times.
[12:56] Cookies Plz: "The arsenist has oddly shaped feet." ??

[12:56] Dramatic Polar Bear: ROFL
[12:57] Dramatic Polar Bear: "If you were a man, I'd punch you right in the mouth"
[12:57] Cookies Plz: They walk stupid. lol
[12:59] Dramatic Polar Bear: Wonder what it's like to be a 1337 newscaster.
[12:59] Cookies Plz: My mom sprayed perfume in the bathroom, and its making me sneeze from here. -_-;
[13:01] Dramatic Polar Bear: their home??
[13:02] Cookies Plz: Yeah.
[13:02] Dramatic Polar Bear: there home??
[13:02] Cookies Plz: -_-;;
[13:02] Dramatic Polar Bear: they're*
[13:02] Dramatic Polar Bear: I must be sleep deprived.
[13:02] Dramatic Polar Bear: Rofl
[13:02] Dramatic Polar Bear: -Licks-
[13:02] Cookies Plz: Gary is. He got a new truck, and it broke down. rofl. I was like :S
[13:02] Dramatic Polar Bear: :|
[13:02] Dramatic Polar Bear: HOW DID IT BREAK DOWN IF IT'S NEW??
[13:03] Cookies Plz: I don't know. He has to drive through teh mountains with it, and he said it had something to do with the brakes. :S
[13:03] Dramatic Polar Bear: Oh, a new rig?
[13:04] Cookies Plz: Like, a semi. xD Not a normal truck, pls. Does rig mean the same thing? lol
[13:04] Dramatic Polar Bear: Yeah.
[13:04] Dramatic Polar Bear: They use air-brakes.
[13:04] Cookies Plz: Ya.
[13:04] Dramatic Polar Bear: And I think they fuck up more int he cold.
[13:04] Dramatic Polar Bear: It takes a special liscense to drive them, too.
[13:04] Cookies Plz: They make that woman look weird.
[13:05] Dramatic Polar Bear: I wanna be on you.
[13:05] Cookies Plz: o rly?
[13:06] Cookies Plz: lol
[13:06] Dramatic Polar Bear: Rofl
[13:06] Cookies Plz: The dog just wants a treat. omg!!! lol
[13:07] Dramatic Polar Bear: Poor retard
[13:07] Cookies Plz: :S "I think I ate your chocolate squirrel."
[13:07] Dramatic Polar Bear: I wonder how he got hired.
[13:08] Cookies Plz: lol. Does that pose like "Why not?"
[13:09] Cookies Plz: LOL
[13:09] Cookies Plz: Bears in the city. :|
[13:11] Dramatic Polar Bear: Wasting corndogs.
[13:11] Cookies Plz: Ya rly. :(
[13:12] Cookies Plz: Dun dun dun..
[13:12] Dramatic Polar Bear: ROFL
[13:12] Cookies Plz: LOL omg
[13:12] Dramatic Polar Bear: He's so cute.
[13:13] Dramatic Polar Bear: I just wanna hug him.
[13:13] Cookies Plz: lol
[13:13] Cookies Plz: Ugly tie.
[13:15] Cookies Plz: "It is bologna!"
[13:15] Cookies Plz: LOL
[13:17] Dramatic Polar Bear: I love when the retard tries to hit on her.
[13:17] Cookies Plz: lol
[13:18] Cookies Plz: lol omg
[13:18] Cookies Plz: "Cough! Look over here!"
[13:19] Cookies Plz: :S
[13:19] Cookies Plz: He's hairy.
[13:19] Dramatic Polar Bear: My stomach's more hairy.
[13:20] Dramatic Polar Bear: And it points down to my crotch.
[13:20] Cookies Plz: I can c??
[13:20] Dramatic Polar Bear: :-?
[13:21] Dramatic Polar Bear: Blondes look like they have no eyebrows.
[13:21] Cookies Plz: Yeah, sorta.
[13:21] Cookies Plz: omg lol
[13:21] Dramatic Polar Bear: ROFL
[13:22] Dramatic Polar Bear: The pants store.
[13:22] Cookies Plz: ya lolol
[13:22] Cookies Plz: Thats the same place..from teh panda videooo
[13:22] Dramatic Polar Bear: Rofl
[13:23] Cookies Plz: The way he says it. rofl
[13:23] Dramatic Polar Bear: I know.
[13:24] Cookies Plz: rofl. What an idiot.
[13:25] Cookies Plz: lol
[13:26] Cookies Plz: I bet it will be bad?
[13:26] Cookies Plz: ROFL. Has his flute.
[13:27] Cookies Plz: lol
[13:28] Cookies Plz: She's all turned on, cause he can play a flute.
[13:28] Dramatic Polar Bear: -Plays the flute-
[13:29] Cookies Plz: u already turn me on
[13:30] Cookies Plz: rofl
[13:31] Cookies Plz: :S
[13:31] Cookies Plz: Aw, dog had to sleep on the floor.
[13:32] Dramatic Polar Bear: ROFL
[13:32] Cookies Plz: lol
[13:33] Cookies Plz: They're like all interested.
[13:33] Dramatic Polar Bear: Rofl, he's all serious too.
[13:34] Cookies Plz: Yeah lol
[13:34] Dramatic Polar Bear: I love that retard.
[13:34] Cookies Plz: rofl omg
[13:35] Cookies Plz: lolol
[13:35] Cookies Plz: omg that guy
[13:35] Dramatic Polar Bear: Yeah!
[13:35] Dramatic Polar Bear: Rofl
[13:36] Cookies Plz: rofl omg
[13:36] Cookies Plz: That's keeping it quiet?
[13:38] Cookies Plz: :S
[13:38] Cookies Plz: LOL
[13:39] Dramatic Polar Bear: Rofl
[13:39] Dramatic Polar Bear: Fuck
[13:39] Cookies Plz: Aww, so cute.
[13:40] Cookies Plz: lol
[13:41] Dramatic Polar Bear: "RICK, WHERE DID YOU GET THAT HAND GRENADE??"
[13:41] Dramatic Polar Bear: "I ... don't .. know"
[13:42] Cookies Plz: lol
[13:43] Cookies Plz: omg :S
[13:43] Cookies Plz: Drop kicks him :S
[13:43] Dramatic Polar Bear: Rofl
[13:44] Cookies Plz: LOL
[13:44] Dramatic Polar Bear: I would've said the same thing.
[13:45] Dramatic Polar Bear: ROFL
[13:45] Cookies Plz: "What did the bad man do?"
[13:46] Cookies Plz: lol!
[13:46] Dramatic Polar Bear: Rofl
[13:46] Dramatic Polar Bear: I loved the look on his face.
[13:46] Cookies Plz: lol
[13:48] Dramatic Polar Bear: I NAILED it
[13:50] Cookies Plz: Awww
[13:50] Dramatic Polar Bear: Rofl, pushes her.
[13:50] Cookies Plz: Yeah lol
[13:51] Cookies Plz: LOL
[13:52] Cookies Plz: What an idiot. lol
[13:52] Dramatic Polar Bear: ROFL
[13:54] Dramatic Polar Bear: Oh yeah, they take directions from the retard.
[13:54] Cookies Plz: LOL "Fantastic!" "Okay!"
[13:54] Cookies Plz: omg. lol. On little bikes.
[13:56] Cookies Plz: Real hardcore news teams.
[13:56] Cookies Plz: omg!
[13:57] Cookies Plz: lolol
[13:58] Cookies Plz: :S
[14:00] Cookies Plz: LOL
[14:00] Dramatic Polar Bear: Rofl, fuck.
[14:00] Dramatic Polar Bear: He's the best.
[14:00] Cookies Plz: lol
[14:01] Cookies Plz: lol!
[14:02] Cookies Plz: LOL
[14:04] Dramatic Polar Bear: He's so stupid.
[14:05] Cookies Plz: lol
[14:06] Cookies Plz: rofl. He keeps saying fuck.
[14:07] Dramatic Polar Bear: Cute little girl.
[14:07] Cookies Plz: Aww..poor guy..
[14:08] Cookies Plz: omg. :S
[14:09] Cookies Plz: rofl. :S Thats sick
[14:10] Cookies Plz: Aww..won't let him go hug him
[14:12] Dramatic Polar Bear: It's the spykid's uncle.
[14:12] Dramatic Polar Bear: Rofl]
[14:12] Cookies Plz: omg! It is!
[14:12] Dramatic Polar Bear: Their other uncle is Cheech.
[14:14] Cookies Plz: omg
[14:14] Cookies Plz: lol
[14:14] Dramatic Polar Bear: That one bear was stretched out on its stomach.
[14:15] Cookies Plz: rofl omg
[14:16] Dramatic Polar Bear: ROFL
[14:16] Dramatic Polar Bear: Fuck
[14:16] Cookies Plz: lol that's so awesome
[14:19] Cookies Plz: rofl. He screams "You woke the bears!"
[14:20] Cookies Plz: LOL riding the bear
[14:21] Cookies Plz: bear subtitles. GG
[14:22] Cookies Plz: :S
[14:23] Cookies Plz: LOL
[14:23] Cookies Plz: I can honestly say I didn't expect him to kiss him on the forehead.
[14:24] Dramatic Polar Bear: ROFL
[14:24] Cookies Plz: lol!!
[14:24] Dramatic Polar Bear: Fuck.
[14:25] Cookies Plz: omg lol!
[14:25] Cookies Plz: :S
[14:25] Dramatic Polar Bear: I want a bear.
[14:26] Cookies Plz: WHAT ABOUT THE PANDAS?
[14:26] Cookies Plz: QQ
[14:26] Cookies Plz: LOL
[14:27] Cookies Plz: LOL
[14:29] Cookies Plz: Hokai, that was better than I thought.
[14:29] Dramatic Polar Bear: GG movie??
[14:29] Cookies Plz: I like this song.
[14:30] Dramatic Polar Bear: I'm good at picking movies?????
[14:30] Cookies Plz: Ya u are


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