Dec 10, 2007

Superbad Chat Log

Me and Nate watched's a awesome movie, by the way. Anyways, here's the chat log from it. Nate = Dramatic Polar Bear, Me = Cookies Plz

[04:08] Dramatic Polar Bear: -Disco dances-
[04:09] Cookies Plz: It looks/sounds like it should be really old. lol
[04:09] Dramatic Polar Bear: Yeah.
[04:09] Dramatic Polar Bear: Rofl
[04:11] Cookies Plz: rofl. Had to do research to find out which porn site he likes.
[04:11] Dramatic Polar Bear: Rofl
[04:12] Cookies Plz: As if she needed to lean over like that.rofl
[04:13] Dramatic Polar Bear: I already love this movie.
[04:13] Dramatic Polar Bear: Rofl
[04:13] Cookies Plz: Cuz u laik her cleavage? kk
[04:13] Cookies Plz: And teh nekkid womens.
[04:13] Dramatic Polar Bear: OMG, I do that with mine too.
[04:14] Cookies Plz: Wait, do what? I was eating a cracker..I didn't hear that. :|
[04:14] Dramatic Polar Bear: When they're talking about boners.
[04:14] Dramatic Polar Bear: "I stick mine in my waistband, it hides it, AND feels good"
[04:14] Dramatic Polar Bear: Rofl
[04:14] Cookies Plz: lol omg.
[04:16] Cookies Plz: What an ugly guy. lol
[04:16] Dramatic Polar Bear: With a mullet
[04:16] Cookies Plz: He hardly ran at all.
[04:18] Dramatic Polar Bear: ROFL
[04:18] Cookies Plz: I'd be like "STFU, I DIDN'T WANT TO GO."
[04:18] Dramatic Polar Bear: OH SHIT
[04:18] Dramatic Polar Bear: He sacked them whie they're drinking
[04:18] Cookies Plz: Yeah. lol
[04:19] Dramatic Polar Bear: That's something guys do, for some reason.
[04:19] Dramatic Polar Bear: We find it fun to sack each other.
[04:20] Cookies Plz: :S
[04:20] Dramatic Polar Bear: ROFL
[04:20] Cookies Plz: Is he gay?
[04:20] Cookies Plz: lol. A single mother.
[04:20] Dramatic Polar Bear: "I'M LIKE A SINGLE MOTHER"
[04:21] Cookies Plz: I want to see someone talk to a teacher like that. rofl. It never happens. Or, if it does, everyone is watching.
[04:21] Dramatic Polar Bear: I used to.
[04:22] Dramatic Polar Bear: Cute couple.
[04:22] Cookies Plz: You mean, the asian and that other guy? lol
[04:22] Dramatic Polar Bear: Sure!
[04:22] Dramatic Polar Bear: Reminds me of HS
[04:22] Dramatic Polar Bear: We used to fuck around lots, too.
[04:22] Cookies Plz: I was hardly there.
[04:23] Cookies Plz: And it was never fun. lol
[04:23] Dramatic Polar Bear: Rofl, lisp.
[04:24] Cookies Plz: :S What a loser
[04:24] Dramatic Polar Bear: Rofl, yeah.
[04:25] Cookies Plz: omg. Crazy teacher. :S
[04:26] Cookies Plz: rofl.
[04:27] Dramatic Polar Bear: ROFL
[04:27] Cookies Plz: Reminds me of textbooks in school.
[04:28] Cookies Plz: Pretty artistic for a 8 year old. lol
[04:30] Cookies Plz: They're like, all excited to get drunk.
[04:30] Dramatic Polar Bear: Rofl, smooth.
[04:31] Cookies Plz: That blonde was skinny.
[04:32] Dramatic Polar Bear: ROFL
[04:33] Dramatic Polar Bear: ROFL, FUCK
[04:33] Dramatic Polar Bear: We used to make fun of a kid who shit himself in like, grade 3
[04:33] Dramatic Polar Bear: Even in HS
[04:33] Cookies Plz: LOL. "We could be that mistake!"
[04:34] Dramatic Polar Bear: ROFL
[04:34] Dramatic Polar Bear: Omg
[04:34] Cookies Plz: LOL omg
[04:35] Cookies Plz: Punched her boob
[04:35] Cookies Plz: Someone elbowed me in the boob before. It hurt. -_-;;
[04:36] Cookies Plz: The way he says "Fuck you!"
[04:40] Dramatic Polar Bear: ROFL, Aladdin
[04:41] Cookies Plz: rofl. I was like, "Wtf, how do they have $80 bills."
[04:41] Dramatic Polar Bear: ROFL, fuck.
[04:42] Dramatic Polar Bear: OMG
[04:42] Cookies Plz: lol
[04:42] Cookies Plz: Where would he hide big bottles anyways? lol
[04:42] Dramatic Polar Bear: :-??
[04:44] Cookies Plz: lol. "So ha, peace!"
[04:45] Dramatic Polar Bear: OMG, smooth.
[04:45] Cookies Plz: Awww
[04:46] Cookies Plz: ROFL.
[04:47] Cookies Plz: lol. years.
[04:47] Dramatic Polar Bear: ROFL
[04:47] Dramatic Polar Bear: His little giggle.
[04:47] Dramatic Polar Bear: "Makes me feel young again!'
[04:48] Dramatic Polar Bear: Omg...
[04:48] Dramatic Polar Bear: WORST thing to happen.
[04:48] Cookies Plz: LOL
[04:49] Dramatic Polar Bear: OMG, the guys from 40 Year old Virgin
[04:49] Dramatic Polar Bear: ROFL
[04:50] Dramatic Polar Bear: "He was a Jew!"
[04:50] Cookies Plz: "He was jewish!"
[04:50] Dramatic Polar Bear: "So we got an African Jew wearing a hoodie"
[04:52] Cookies Plz: omg
[04:53] Cookies Plz: What a noob.
[04:54] Cookies Plz: That kid is lucky. rofl
[04:54] Dramatic Polar Bear: Yeah, very lucky.
[04:54] Dramatic Polar Bear: Rofl
[04:57] Dramatic Polar Bear: I love the cops.
[04:58] Cookies Plz: LOL
[04:58] Dramatic Polar Bear: ROFL
[04:58] Cookies Plz: omg lol
[04:58] Dramatic Polar Bear: Those cops own.
[04:58] Cookies Plz: Thats so awesome
[04:59] Dramatic Polar Bear: ROFL
[04:59] Cookies Plz: lol
[05:00] Dramatic Polar Bear: I want a cop car.
[05:00] Dramatic Polar Bear: So I can engage in warp 10 too.
[05:00] Cookies Plz: lol
[05:02] Cookies Plz: omg. GO GET THE BOOZE
[05:02] Cookies Plz: Dumbasses. lol
[05:04] Dramatic Polar Bear: Rofl
[05:04] Dramatic Polar Bear: "CAN I SHOOT HIM??"
[05:05] Dramatic Polar Bear: Parties are retarded.
[05:05] Dramatic Polar Bear: Alcohol makes you dehydrated.
[05:05] Cookies Plz: rofl @ that chick
[05:05] Dramatic Polar Bear: Add that with dancing, and doing shit physical.
[05:06] Dramatic Polar Bear: Your drunk as fuck, drinking more to try quench your thirst.
[05:06] Dramatic Polar Bear: Oh, Biggie Smalls.
[05:06] Cookies Plz: omg. Who swears into their phone like that when it doesn't work?
[05:07] Cookies Plz: People always hold it away and get pissed. rofl
[05:08] Cookies Plz: omg. ew
[05:08] Dramatic Polar Bear: ROFL
[05:08] Dramatic Polar Bear: OW, MY GUT
[05:08] Dramatic Polar Bear: ROFL, FUCK
[05:09] Cookies Plz: lol
[05:10] Cookies Plz: lolol
[05:10] Dramatic Polar Bear: ROFL
[05:11] Cookies Plz: omg.
[05:12] Cookies Plz: Rofl. Ignores it. "NEED BACK UP, THERE'S SO MUCH LOVE."
[05:12] Cookies Plz: omg. he confused me. Blood* lol
[05:12] Dramatic Polar Bear: These cops own.
[05:14] Dramatic Polar Bear: OMG, lucky.
[05:14] Dramatic Polar Bear: Rofl
[05:15] Cookies Plz: Drunks are crazy. Or..crazy coke people
[05:15] Dramatic Polar Bear: Two cocks.
[05:15] Dramatic Polar Bear: Rofl
[05:15] Cookies Plz: lol
[05:17] Cookies Plz: omg
[05:17] Cookies Plz: At least he knows the words.
[05:18] Cookies Plz: omg. He was like crying
[05:18] Dramatic Polar Bear: Rofl, yeah.
[05:18] Dramatic Polar Bear: I love this movie.
[05:18] Cookies Plz: LOL
[05:18] Dramatic Polar Bear: ROFL
[05:19] Dramatic Polar Bear: ROFL FUCK
[05:19] Dramatic Polar Bear: "SHIT, IT'S THE COPS"
[05:27] Cookies Plz: Smart kid. Runs. rofl
[05:28] Cookies Plz: lol. "You can't unarrest me!"
[05:28] Dramatic Polar Bear: Rofl, monster
[05:28] Cookies Plz: omg lol
[05:29] Cookies Plz: They should hide. :
[05:29] Dramatic Polar Bear: ROFLMAO
[05:29] Dramatic Polar Bear: "IT'S YOU, MCMUFFIN"
[05:34] Cookies Plz: lol
[05:35] Cookies Plz: omg. He should quit drinking :(
[05:35] Dramatic Polar Bear: Reminds me of Bob and Steve.
[05:35] Dramatic Polar Bear: "What's wrong, fatty has diabetes, and needs his insulin??"
[05:35] Dramatic Polar Bear: "SHUT UP"
[05:35] Dramatic Polar Bear: "Why??"
[05:35] Dramatic Polar Bear: "You have it too"
[05:36] Dramatic Polar Bear: "I got mine the MAN way, trying ot drink myself to death"
[05:37] Dramatic Polar Bear: OH.
[05:37] Dramatic Polar Bear: I know where she's from.
[05:37] Dramatic Polar Bear: Lucky Louie.
[05:38] Dramatic Polar Bear: Louie's niece, she's a whore.
[05:38] Dramatic Polar Bear: Rofl
[05:39] Cookies Plz: rofl
[05:39] Dramatic Polar Bear: The girl that Seth likes.
[05:39] Dramatic Polar Bear: Was trying to figure it out the whole movie.
[05:39] Cookies Plz: Yeah, I figured that's who you meant
[05:39] Cookies Plz: He keeps
[05:41] Dramatic Polar Bear: ROFL
[05:41] Dramatic Polar Bear: "They said that'd happen, in Health"
[05:41] Cookies Plz: LOL
[05:42] Dramatic Polar Bear: That must be gross, heavy alcohol breathing.
[05:42] Cookies Plz: Yeah :S
[05:42] Cookies Plz: rofl omg
[05:43] Dramatic Polar Bear: Rofl
[05:43] Dramatic Polar Bear: AND LUBE
[05:43] Dramatic Polar Bear: Crying because he can't get drunk sex.
[05:44] Cookies Plz: omg
[05:44] Cookies Plz: "We will shoot you!" lol
[05:44] Cookies Plz: Drunk people and their crazy touching like that. lol
[05:45] Dramatic Polar Bear: ROFL
[05:45] Dramatic Polar Bear: "I ASSUME YOU ALL HAVE GUNS AND CRACK"
[05:46] Cookies Plz: lol omg
[05:48] Dramatic Polar Bear: Aww, group h ug.
[05:48] Dramatic Polar Bear: ROFL
[05:49] Cookies Plz: YES. I hate that guy. lol
[05:50] Dramatic Polar Bear: McLovin
[05:50] Cookies Plz: u wanna come have a sleepover at my house???
[05:51] Cookies Plz: That would be fun, to mess around in a cop car
[05:51] Dramatic Polar Bear: does ur mom still have pizza bagels??
[05:51] Cookies Plz: ya man
[05:52] Dramatic Polar Bear: Holy shit, they trasehd that car.
[05:53] Cookies Plz: How stupid. They'd be able to find the bullets, and test them against the gun, right? lol
[05:53] Dramatic Polar Bear: Well, in the fake report, said the crackhead stole the guns.
[05:54] Cookies Plz: ohh
[05:54] Cookies Plz: Aww
[05:55] Dramatic Polar Bear: Reminds me of Greg when we was drunk.
[05:55] Cookies Plz: Aw.
[05:55] Dramatic Polar Bear: He was ranting about alot of stuff all drunk.
[05:55] Dramatic Polar Bear: Then stops, "I LOVE YOU, man.
[05:55] Cookies Plz: lol
[05:55] Cookies Plz: ROFL
[05:56] Cookies Plz: What a gay scene.
[05:57] Dramatic Polar Bear: ROFL
[05:57] Dramatic Polar Bear: I used to have tight ass pants.
[05:57] Dramatic Polar Bear: They made my ass bulge out.
[05:57] Cookies Plz: Did you feel sexy?
[05:57] Dramatic Polar Bear: Someone smacked it once, never wore them again.
[05:57] Dramatic Polar Bear: :-??
[05:58] Cookies Plz: lol..omg..
[05:59] Dramatic Polar Bear: And I said "stay away from me"
[05:59] Cookies Plz: lol
[06:01] Cookies Plz: She would be squinting, or something. With her bruised eye.
[06:01] Dramatic Polar Bear: Well, it doesn't hurt that much.
[06:01] Dramatic Polar Bear: It hurts more to squint.
[06:01] Dramatic Polar Bear: And blink.
[06:01] Cookies Plz: Oh.
[06:02] Dramatic Polar Bear: Unless you get a Rocky Balboa black eye.
[06:02] Dramatic Polar Bear: Where it swells shut.
[06:02] Cookies Plz: :S
[06:02] Dramatic Polar Bear: And you keep boxing with your good eye.
[06:02] Dramatic Polar Bear: Great movie.
[06:02] Dramatic Polar Bear: Great fuckin' movie.
[06:02] Cookies Plz: yeah. lol
[06:02] Dramatic Polar Bear: ROFL
[06:02] Dramatic Polar Bear: Penis'
[06:03] Cookies Plz: Yeah. rofl
[06:03] Cookies Plz: I don't think 8 year old are that imaginative. lol
[06:03] Cookies Plz: olds*
[06:03] Dramatic Polar Bear: There was one of Mr T
[06:03] Dramatic Polar Bear: Rofl
[06:03] Cookies Plz: I saw. xD
[06:03] Cookies Plz: A train. lol
[06:04] Dramatic Polar Bear: I don't think an 8 year old would even know what a penis looks like.
[06:04] Cookies Plz: lol. And if they do.. :S
[06:04] Dramatic Polar Bear: Takes skill to draw all that.
[06:04] Cookies Plz: Pictures of them, as penis' lol
[06:05] Dramatic Polar Bear: Like that one guy who draws dirty stuff.
[06:05] Dramatic Polar Bear: And turns them into something else.


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