Dec 9, 2007

Pretty Heart

I just love this heart, it looks so pretty! I found this while looking for neat little designs that might look good on a wedding invitation. I had to edit it a bit, but it looks so pretty now.

Isn't it just perfect? The feathery effect thing looks so awesome!

On another note, I'm still trying to fix my computer. There's one annoying .exe file that I can't get rid of (along with a few others, that aren't quite as annoying), and Windows Defender & SpyBot keep telling me it's there but I can't do anything about it. At least, I don't think I can. There's no way to delete it that I know of, and I'm very hesitant to even think about taking my PC somewhere to see if someone else can fix it. I'd rather just save everything that's important, and reformat. Except this means I'm going to lose all my movies and anime, gah! Quick, someone buy me a DVD burner!
Oh no! All my ROMs are going to be toast too! Unless, I find somewhere to upload them all to. Hmm. I don't know. I know I have some already saved to discs, but I've gotten a lot since then. Ho hum.


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